
Thursday, December 17, 2009


My name is about as important as were I'm from
But if you take that left, past the third treble clef
And keep up the street, you can catch me on the right
I'll be in the building under the bass, right next to the hi's
Look past the lows before the snare kicks back
Go until you see the second "boom kack"
I'll be where the melody touches the baseline
Right where the rhythm shows it's true time
Let me take you to where the hook meets the breakdown
Or to where the beat pauses and silence is the only sound
I can show you where ingenuity touches the soul
As a simple exhale makes the rhythm go cold
Have you ever seen lyrics bring smarts to the stuff
Cause the rest is so retarded not even the hottest fire can touch
Well I can show you all that, just follow the metronome
Head straight to the keys and you'll find my home

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