Baby girl what are your hours?
Is your heart open?
I come by every chance I get but the closed sign is up...
I really just want to open up an account with you
Well what I'm talking about is an account to your heart.
I guess a checking/savings is a good start.
I really want to start a savings account with you.
I'm talking high yield, and I'll deposit cash too.
I see you have some over drafted accounts in your system.
You can close those accounts and the customers? Dismiss them.
Don't worry about their over drafting fees.
I can take care of that, you're so worth it to me.
Your balance is in the red, I gotta correct that
Your heart is too resilient to not bounce back.
Just open your heart, and let it be for me alone.
And you'll never have to approve another loan.
I'll buy out your branch of the company.
What I'm really asking is that you love me.
That was so nice...